How To Help Your Elderly Parents Move Home

An essential part of any home move is organising the removalists who will take your belongings from one home to another; however, if instead of yourself moving home, it is your elderly parents who are moving, there may be a lot more to sort out in order to help make the move go successfully.

Perhaps the first point in the whole process will be your parents telling you that they want to, or they need to move. This can happen for a number of reasons, such as the house they live in now is too large for them, given that all their family has grown up and moved out.

Other reasons could be that they wish to move closer to their family, they may wish to downsize and thus have lower household bills, or it could simply be that they want a fresh start in a new home, and regardless of age, we are surely all entitled to a fresh start when we wish one. If your fresh start is from Melbourne to Sydney, check out, where we can organise a easy transition.

Once you have established that they wish to move home, the next step will be to help them find their new home. Read More

How To Declutter Your Home Before Moving

One of the best tips any removalists will give you if you are in the process of planning on moving home is to use it as an opportunity to declutter. Years of hoarding, stashing, and keeping stuff, 'just in case', have possibly meant that up to 30 or 40% of the items currently in your home, do not need to move with you to your new one.

The benefits of decluttering include the obvious one that you will have fewer items that need to packed and moved by your removalists, and therefore the costs should be lower - if you're in Sydney, check out Sticking with the practicalities of the actual move, it will also mean fewer boxes that have to be unpacked at the other end, and thus you can have your new home organised much quicker.

On a more personal level, it will mean that everyone in your home has more storage for the things they are keeping than they would otherwise have, and it should also make finding things once everything is unpacked, easier too.

So, let us look at how you should declutter, and depending on your family and their ages, whilst you should encourage everyone to declutter their own items, do not be too draconian about it. Read More

Top Things to Consider When Moving Your Business

If you’re looking at relocating your office, there are some pretty important things to keep in mind. Otherwise, you will almost certainly run into problems, which can impact your normal business operations and your income, among other things.

At Brilliance Removals we’ve been working in the industry for years, and we’ve developed a reputation as one of the region’s leading business removalists. Drawing on this reputation, we’ve developed the following list of the top things to consider when moving your business.

  1. The Cost of Moving

Although it’s probably not the first thing that pops into your head, it’s actually extremely important to consider the cost of moving before making any major commitments. Think about:

  • The potentially higher rent and other costs associated with your new location.
  • The cost of packing and moving your office.
  • The cost of unpacking and setting everything back up, especially if you require specialist IT services or similar.
  • The lost income caused by downtime during the move.

Fortunately, you can minimise the income lost through downtime by working with a professional relocation company like us at Brilliance Removals. Read More

What Is the Best Way to Move Office Electronics?

There are a lot of things to think about if you’re planning to relocate your office. Although most businesses will work with a professional removal company - and you should too - it’s still a good idea to make sure you understand at least a little about the moving process.

One of the most important things to work out is how you’re going to move your electronics. If you run a large business with multiple computers, printers and other electronic equipment, it can be a nightmare to figure out how to best move everything.

In the rest of this article, we’ve drawn on our professional knowledge to outline some of the most important things to know about moving office electronics.

Ensure Things Are Packed Properly

It’s extremely important to make sure that you pack your computers and other electronic equipment properly, otherwise, it could be damaged during the move.

  • Keep cables and wires separate and properly organised to prevent them from tangling and getting mixed up. Consider either packing different types of cables in separate boxes or packing cables with the relevant equipment.
  • Make sure you use plenty of padding around things like computers, printers and other devices. If possible, use the original boxes.
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Why Moving House is Stressful?

Moving house could be quite stressful especially when one is living in that particular house for a long time. This stress could be because of many reasons such as:

Losing a Job

A person who is moving to a different house might feel stressed because of losing a job, which means that he or she would not be able to bear the expenses of living in a luxurious house and thus, have to move somewhere else, which means a change in schools and so much more.


Sometimes a transfer would be the main cause for moving from the house and hence, there would be a stress of relocation. It is quite tough to relocate and thus, it is important for a person to take appropriate measures to avoid stress even when the situation is stressful.

Moving to a new area

Fear of the unknown is quite stressful for some people and moving to a new area means that there would be a new neighbourhood, a new ambience, and everything would be like starting from scratch. Read More
